How Will I Aggressively Market Your House?
The two biggest factors that make a house move are an aggressive price and an aggressive marketing plan. The two work together to achieve the best result. The plan I will use to market your house will be custom tailored to your needs and budget. Legend: SS (Applies to Short Sale listings), STD (Applies to all Standard Listings), PRM (Can be added for a premium fee)
- Professionally Customized Comparative Market Analysis (CMA). You will receive a CMA tailored to your house compared to similar houses in your neighborhood or area. This is a real-time comparison with active, pending, and recently sold homes in your area, truly comparable to your own. We will discuss this CMA together at our Listing Appointment, to help determine the pricing strategy for your house. [SS, STD]
- Photography Service for your Property. We will take between 5 and 20 pictures of your home to be uploaded with your listings (see below). You can see these images as we take them, if you like, and upon request the photographs can be emailed to you. [SS, STD]
- Property Preparation Review and Advice. We will go through your property together, and make a thorough visual inspection, at the time of the Listing Appointment. At that time, we will discuss simple things you should do to prepare your home for sale – and equally important, expensive things you should avoid. [SS, STD]
- Exclusive FMLS and GAMLS Listings with multiple photos. Within one business day of our Listing Appointment, your property will be listed – with multiple photographs – on both First Multiple Listing Service (FMLS) and Metro Listing Service (GAMLS), the two MLS systems used by professional agents in the Atlanta Metro area. Displaying multiple photographs is proven to sell over 31% faster than homes without photos. [SS, STD]
- Showcase Listing. You receive a “Showcase” listing, with multiple photographs, on the largest and most-visited Real Estate portal in the world. 6 million people look here every month, and stay here 3 times longer than on any other site. [SS, STD]
- Featured Listing on the Adriana West Team web sites. We use a custom program on our website to feature your homes. Here they can see all of the pictures and any documentation associated with your listing. [SS, STD]
- Featured listing on key realty portals. Your home will be instantly posted, with multiple photos, on every major internet search portal. A partial listing of the more than 230 web sites/portals we use are: [SS, STD]
Name URL AOL cyberhomes Excite GoogleBase Homescape MSN Point2Homes Trulia Unique Global Estates Yahoo Yuvie And of course, the biggest and most used of all Real Estate portals, mentioned throughout this page,
- Listing on EVERY Major Real Estate Company web site, and most small Real Estate company web sites. Our IDX agreement with the multiple listing services shares your listing with every other member using IDX technology. [SS, STD]
- Free FMLS/GAMLS Price and Description text changes. You are never at risk of your listing becoming “stale”. It is a wise practice to update your property description periodically to stimulate the interest of different types of buyers who may be looking for specific features. There is never any charge for us to update or modify your listing description. [SS, STD]
- Supra Lockbox. This is not a coded or manual lockbox provided by many real estate companies. We only use the latest and highest technologies to market homes and track showings. The Supra lockbox records every showing of your home to an online database that provides important data and added security for your property during the listing period. We always know who visited your home and the specific time that they were there. We are also able to identify multiple showings when you might not be aware of them. [SS, STD]
- Exposure to a Mega-Pool of LIVE Buyer Prospects. It is critical to list your home with a company with great visibility in the local market – that is why I chose to associate myself with the Prudential logo. This nationally known name makes buyers feel safe to call my number to inquire about your home. [SS, STD]
- Elegant Prudential / Adriana West Team Yard Sign. [SS, STD]
- 24-hour 800# sign rider. This rider attaches to the sign above, and directs the seller to an 800 number to get more information about the listing. (STD)
- Spanish Recording on 800#. In addition to the standard recording in English, a native Spanish Speaker will translate the recording for the Latin-American market. [PRM]
- Feedback and Buyer Tracking. Every lead will be followed. Every agent that leaves a card or opens the lockbox will get an email or a phone call asking for feedback. Any repeat showings will be aggressively followed up and tracked. If a buyer saw your house more than once, they are a hot prospect that must be pursued. [STD]
- Monthly Marketing Updates. Many other agents charge extra for this. For us, it is all part of delivering excellent service to our clients. You will receive a report of all marketing activity on your listing once a month, and a strategy call with Adriana to see if any changes should be made to your plan. [STD]
- Shooting a Virtual Tour and attaching it to FMLS, GAMLS,, and Adriana West Team web sites. When you purchase a Virtual Tour, we post it to and both MLS sites, as well as the featured listing on our site. [PRM]
- Buyer Incentive Rebate. If you select this premium option, we add a banner to the listing, the FMLS description, and the 800 number recording mentioning the Buyer’s Rebate program. Through this program, a portion of my commission is rebated to the buyer if they buy your home. I know of no more powerful way to compel someone to “Buy, and buy NOW!” [PRM]
- Customized web page on Adriana West Team web site, and full-page showcase on The enhanced text from this web site will also become the recording (in both English and Spanish) for the 800 number (included), and also includes the Online Documentation Delivery [PRM]
- Custom Flyer/Brochure. We will develop a custom, multi-color flier that can be placed in the home or outside in an information tube or flyer box. Available in English and Spanish. [PRM]
- Comprehensive “Buyer’s Booklet” containing the flyer (above, included), map of the neighborhood, key features of the house and neighborhood, school information, area geographic/demographic data, and more. Available in English and Spanish. [PRM]
- Buyer’s Booklet on CD. The same information from above included electronically on a CD for the buyer to take with them. Also attached to the (included) Customized Web Page above. [PRM]
- marquee. We will add a scrolling Marquee to your Showcase Listing to draw attention to special features of your home to attract interested buyers. [PRM]
- Listing on Craig’s List. Craig’s List is a popular site in Atlanta where products and services are sold and traded. As an added marketing venue we will post your site listing every week to expose your home to the thousands of visitors who shop the site. [PRM]
- Staging Assistance. Staging is the process of clearing out, de-cluttering, and opening up the ‘flow’ of your home to ensure the best impression on the buyer. General staging advice is often included in the Property Preparation Review (above). However, varying levels of professional assistance available at varying prices. Let me help you decide what level of assistance you need, and arrange that assistance for you. [PRM]
- Open Houses. We will hold one “Agent” open house, as well as 1-3 “public” open houses to showcase your house, with refreshments. Prior to each open house, the subdivision or neighborhood (as appropriate) will be covered with door-hangers to encourage attendance. [PRM]
- The Collateral Package (flyer, booklet, CD, 800 number, web page) $500 per language (English/Spanish) payable at listing.
- Incentive Package (Buyers Incentive Rebate, Marquee): Add 1% to listing broker commission payable at closing.
- eMedia Package (Virtual Tour, Custom Web Page, Craigs List, Online Documentation): $1200 payable at Listing.
- Full-Court-Press package (Collateral and eMedia in both languages plus Open Houses): $1,500 payable at Listing.